Delays & Probabilities

It's been a while hasn't it? In the past two months I had started working on and I had hoped to finish the next update for Remako by now. I wanted people to play a remastered FF7 one last time before the much-hyped FF7 Remake was released. Sadly, life got in the way.

Between work and a very severe health issue in the family, I did not have the time or energy I needed to finish up this thing. The coming weeks don't look like they're going to be much better, so Remako will probably not arrive until after the release of the FF7 Remake. To make clear how unproductive the situation is right now, I'm not even typing this from my modding PC. So I can't even get you guys a quick WIP screenshot or something.

Instead of half-assing this thing to get it done in a short timeframe, I have decided to do this thing right and make this release one for the ages. Once I get back on my feet, I'll try to communicate more often and get more community input.

What's in the next update?

I have already done a great deal of work for the mod, so I can confirm the following features:
  • Compatibility with Reunion R06c
  • Easier install procedure
  • HD magic textures
  • HD user interface (menu, HUD, minigames, etc.)
  • Bug fixes
I intended that to be it, but now that I have decided to take my time I'll be looking into the following features as well. I don't know how hard these are to pull of or if they are possible at all, but I'll test it out at least:
  • Multi-language support (not just English)
  • Reupscaled FMVs (there's some new tech I want to try out for this
My goal for this mod is to make something that feels like a proper Square Enix remaster. By the time everyone is done playing FF7 Remake and wants to revisit the original, they'll have Remako.


Juan said…
Take your time! You are doing a great job! Thank you for everything and take care! ;)
? said…
Finally! I hope you get better, and i was hyped, i want to play the game using this mod with enhanced models in the steam versión:)
Hermann said…
Hey there. First of all, you are a total champion. What you've done i a nothing short of brilliant, and thank you for it!

I have a brief question: You mention that it will be easier to install. Are you hinting at a standalone installation, in the the same vein as the Moguri Mod for FF9? (which is also fantastic).

Thanks again:)
colb said…
I would reconsider the HD menus. That doesn't have the advantages of HD environmental assets, and I've only ever seen HD menus for old games clash with the aesthetic even when they are technically superior in terms of resolution. FF7's menus are already a sort of perfect pixel art that suits the game completely.
CaptRobau said…
@everyone: Thanks for the kind words.

@Hermann: standalone and easier is my goal. Some recent releases also make Reunion and 7th heaven also easier to do O think

@colb: It will be a pixel perfect upscale with some manual tweaking to correct for mistakes. So it'll just look less pixelated and just smoother. So same blocky fonts, menu borders, etc.
Hermann said…
Thank you so much for the response. You made my day. I'm actually on the fence about the remake. Actually, I'm more excited about the update than the remake. (Yeah, call me crazy!)

Thank you so much! And again, your work is very much appreciated, indeed!

I can't wait.

CHC said…
I think a lot of people are likely playing the Steam version, so any installers geared toward that would be hugely appreciated. The Moguri mod for FF9 has something to that effect and it's really simple to use.

Either way I just wanted to say thank you for the time and energy you put into modding this game and I hope that you and your family are doing well at this time. I've done some mods of my own in the past and I know it can be hard with regard to motivation / determine what is possible to achieve. So again, no rush - wishing you all the best
CaptRobau said…
@CHC I will focus on Steam version for default, but I can't leave non-Steam users in the dust. It's a surprising number of people.
THE3NDER said…
You're doing great work! Thank you for all the effort you're putting into this.
Mike said…
Good/bad news: the remake is hot garbage, so your mod will be the definitive version of the game! After being burned by the remake I'm very much looking forward to playing through the original again with Remako. Thank you for all your hard work. :)
Unknown said…
Any news on the switch version?
KnightAR said…
@Mike: I donno what you didn't like about the remake and how you are considered "burned" but like most people, I never expected the remake to be a "remaster" but like they said, a remake aka a re-imagining of the original. Anyone who expected different was going to be let down from the start...

With that said, I am looking forward to replying FF7 original on steam when the Remako mod is finally released. Can't wait to play it with my steamlink on my TV :)

@CaptRobau Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
Draisey said…
Take your time. I think the care and love you've been giving this mod should extend to the end of the project.
Izzy said…
Would this be possible to port to the Switch in any form? I know that Project Omnislash works, for example.
Anonymous said…
I see that you are trying to get the mod compatible with Reunion, but will it be compatible with the most recent version upon release? If not, where do I download previous versions?

Thank you for the hard work @CaptRobau!
Unknown said…
Just wanted to say I stumbled upon Remako after being utterly disappointed by the Remake (it is indeed hot garbage). I'm very much looking forward to sinking my teeth into it and experiencing classic FF7 with some new paint. Thanks for all your hard work!